A sensitivity analysis-based mode-fitting parameter identification algorithm

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Nonlinear system identification is an important research element in structural dynamics. In complex wide-area frequency systems, the traceability against all unknown parameters decays sharply with the increase of the system degrees of freedom. To solve such problems, an approximate structural model is usually established based on the geometrical parameters and dynamical properties of the studied system, and then the modal correction method is applied to rectify the parameters of the approximate model. In this regard, a modal fitting algorithm based on sensitivity analysis is proposed, which integrates the advantages of system retention sensitivity analysis and modal fitting sensitivity analysis and can effectively deal with the modal fitting problem with strong nonlinear parameter effects. The simulation application is carried out in a model engine guard model parameter identification problem, and the results show that the method has good application effect in the low and medium frequency range.

In China Science and Technology Column
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DU Shuimiao
DU Shuimiao
Lecturer and master’s supervisor of UTSEUS

Lecturer and master’s supervisor of UTSEUS