Image regularization of PDE is a nonlinear filtering method based on the idea of diffusion, which is one of the most effective methods to solve the underlying visual problems such as noise reduction, artifact removal, and structure enhancement, etc. A unified analysis framework for such algorithms is still rare. Based on the diffusion behavior of three typical PDE regularization algorithms, we propose a framework for analyzing image regularization algorithms based on the diffusion tensor, which is important for the analysis, development and extension of such algorithms, and finally verify the effectiveness of the framework through experiments.
In Journal of Natural Sciences, Heilongjiang University
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Director of the UTSEUS (Shanghai University) / Chinese Director of Medical Image and Signal Processing Laboratory of French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) at CREATIS
He has been a director of the UTSEUS since January 2018, and has worked in France (8 years) and then in China (16 years) and the industrial world in Canada (8 years).